We are on the Eyre highway and we've had a lot of punctures lately, so was too good a pun not to take. Yes, I did get 'blessed' with my mothers sense of humour unfortunately.
After only having 2 punctures on the trip in total previous to arriving in Eucla, we inexplicably ran into 6 in the 3 days after. Admittedly 2 of those came from me doing an extremely shoddy repair job on the tubes, some would even say not repairing them at all, but still it is a high increase in flats, and something that has caused many a choice expletive to be shouted by me, some of which I'm not sure have even been invented yet. Nevertheless, quite impressive. Sam is still recovering from the shock.
But as seems to be a constant theme on this trip, good things always happen to more than balance the day out. The views have been absolutely amazing, getting to walk for 2 straight days no more than 300 metres away from the ocean and just beautiful surroundings. Definitely not the scenery we were expecting when we were about to start the Nullarbor.
And the day when we had the majority of our flats (and I was about to start puncturing more than just the tyres) we had yet another visitor, this time from people we had not met before. They got told about us from the "Hadgkiss Mob" (wouldn't have remembered that, but took a photo of your name on the car!!!). Ray, Chris, Pam and Heather (I hope thats right, you met us so you know how dopey we are!) met us at the Eucla Roadhouse on our day off and were on their way home after a 7 week trip in their Hot Rods around the bottom of Australia. They were extremely entertaining, at one point making Sam laugh so hard the spaghetti he was eating came out his nose. If only I had the camera....
Anyways after treating us to an all you can eat breakfast they then must've got these other guys to deliver us a huge bag of chocolate and cokes. Was definitely amazing and not to be outdone the other guys brought us less exciting but probably more valuable stuff such as fresh fruit, canned foods and rice crackers. Everyday we still get amazed at how lucky we are. We're guessing that by now we are looking so scruffy and homeless that people think we need the food or something! Well whatever it is we are very grateful for it, as we are both eating literally 3 times the amount we were before the trip started, and trust me, we used to eat a lot! Plus chocolate tastes so much better now for some reason.
Ok, have to leave as we are now a couple of days behind where we would have wanted to be, as we've lost almost two full days due to the tyre problems. That and we still are carrying a few extra kilos in our stomachs from Eucla. Too much chocolate, not enough walking. Speaking of which, been told theres 3 extra kilos of chocolate waiting for us from mum in the roadhouse here, so might have to go grab that. That should all be gone by tonight all things going well...
Me stuck in a shrub. This area was now closed to vehicles as the rocks were becoming unstable. But of course I thought it was a great idea to go sit near the edge. Well thought through.
This could've been a shot of any of the first 3 days after Eucla. At pretty much any time of the day too. Bloody tyres.
Do you remember the time when High-Vis vests, fisherman pants, fully buckled up backpack, odd looking knitted beanie and a headlamp in full sunlight were trendy? No? Neither do I. Nobody does.
And for something different, here's one of Sam posing in front of a sign
Ok, thats all for now. Two more roadhouses until we've done the Nullarbor!
Dear Leigh, I love the photo with the fisherman pants. I got very excited and a voice in my head exclaimed "It's Leigh!", even though I knew it was already. In conclusion, I like the title of this blog.